
Welcome to DrakesCreekValley.Farm
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Thank you for your interest in possibly purchasing some of our grass-fed and grass-finished Aberdeen Angus beef. We have had two young steers processed in the last several weeks which has been aged, cut, vacuum-packaged, frozen, and is available for purchase. These two young steers were born on our property and lived happy bovine lives with their mothers, eating grass and hay here at Drakes Creek Valley Farm in northern Sumner County, Tennessee.

Our cattle are bred for the quality of their beef and receive a forage diet free of pesticides and herbicides as they are rotated through our six pastures. Our animals are never fed antibiotics and never receive synthetic growth hormones. This practice insures the best quality grass fed beef possible that is consistent in its clean beef flavor and tenderness.



We have several different cuts of beef and sizes from which you can choose. Feel free to forward this site on to friends or family who might also be interested in having some locally grown, premium beef.

You may email us and request a price and cut list. We have used the most recent USDA prices as a guideline for our pricing,adjusted for the young age (14 months) and tenderness of the steers. 

This meat is very lean, much more so than the commercial meat you may buy. Let us know if you’d like information on how best to prepare your grass-fed beef. To us, the most important tip is that grass-fed beef cooks about 30% faster than grain-fed beef.

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(615) 504-4124


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